The husband and I are heavy salmon eaters. We will devour any sea-based food. If it comes in a shell, it's delicious. If it has fins, even more so! And being a tiny part S'klallam and Makah Indian, I use these meals to reflect on that part of my ancestry and to remember my late father.
Rex participates in our meals. We eat pretty healthfully, only whole grains, very few processed carbohydrates, a lot of lean proteins and a lot of veggies and fruit. This means that Rex often gets to share in our meals. One day, we were eating our salmon and he started freaking out- apparently the spinach I gave him was no where near as interesting. Salmon wasn't something that I thought about sharing, to be honest. I did some research on the forum and found out that small amounts of salmon are okay- occasionally- and as I don't spice it at all (no need to ruin a perfect food) I gave him a small flake.
And things haven't ever been the same. Now we have to be covert-salmon eaters. We have to sneak it. If he sees it, he'll screech and screech. And when he gets a piece, he's got a particular chirp that goes with it- it almost sounds like he's saying "el capitan" while he's chowing down.
I think he's trying to tell me a couple of things.
- Rex is secretly a seagull.
- Salmon is awesome.
- His new nickname should be "El capitán de las gaviotas" - Captain of the Seagulls.
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